Model Three Bookshelf Speaker FAQs

What is the difference between the KLH Model Three and the KLH Model Five?

These two astounding vintage speakers are consistent with the acoustic suspension design, but the KLH Model Three’s are smaller and considered bookshelf speakers. The Model Three is easily the best bookshelf speaker sold today, with a size that allows one with a smaller space to enjoy a bigger sound. Like the Model Five, listeners have the flexibility to move these premium speakers closer to the wall than the average tower speaker. Not to mention, this pair of speakers adds a charming appearance to any listening room.

Why does the Model Three sound so good?

The Model Three acoustic suspension speakers don’t favor one frequency over the expense of another. The 8-inch woofer maintains control, while low-frequency performance remains impeccable even at the highest cone excursions. Additionally, the dedicated mid-range driver produces a clean sound where the ear is most sensitive to distortion. For this reason, the Model Three is the best bookshelf speaker, with an output that is detailed at every level.

Is the new Model Three a remake of an old KLH speaker?

Although the Model Three’s look like vintage speakers, these charming bookshelf speakers were custom engineered in 2021. The KLH Model Three’s are modeled after the iconic Model Five loudspeaker yet remains unique from any other speaker on the market. When it comes down to their retro appearance and enthralling listening experience, rest assured the Model Three will have you hooked.

What is the purpose of the slant-riser base and the attenuation switch?

The attenuation switch allows users to slightly reduce mid and high frequencies and customize the output based on their listening space. The slant riser base creates the perfect eight-degree angle for optimal listening of these premium speakers. These elements keep KLH standing as one of the best speaker brands in the industry today.

What makes the Model Three different from other bookshelf speakers?

The Model Three is an acoustic suspension speaker, utilizing a different transducer type than the typical bass-reflex speaker. The Model Collection’s acoustic suspension design classifies them as top-rated speakers that allow for a low bass extension from a small enclosure. This design is best suited for low-frequency program material, demonstrating an accurate and detailed sound. The acoustic suspension design makes the Model Three bookshelf speakers produce a cleaner sound than any typical speaker.


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